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Max is from Mutitjulu and is in a wheelchair and can’t use his legs, he also wears a hearing aid and only talks a little bit. Max would like an electric scooter to help him get around the community and a mechanical bed would also help him to get in and out of bed more easily.


MAX: Max

Translator: Max

TAMMY: So your name is Max and you come from Mutijulu

MAX: Yeah

TAMMY: Max can you tell us about your disability?

Translator speaking language

MAX: *Nodding* Yeah

TAMMY: What’s your disability?

Translator speaking language

MAX: Mutijulu, Mutijulu


Translator and Max speak language

TAMMY: Can’t walk?

Translator and Max speak language

MAX: Hearing aid

Translator: Hearing aids, can’t hear properly?

MAX: *Nodding* Inaudible

TAMMY: And talk properly?

MAX: *Shakes head*

Translator: A bit, little bit

Translator and Max speak language

TAMMY: Tell us what you struggle with in life. What sort of things do you really need help with?

Translator and Max speak language

Translator: Legs are not good, so-

TAMMY: Do you find it hard to do shopping? Do you find it hard to do cleaning in your house?

MAX: Yeah

TAMMY: Yeah? Would you like help to do those things?

MAX: *Nodding* Inaudible

Translator and Max speak language

Translator: Struggle with walking around, it’s hard

TAMMY: Do you like visiting your family?

MAX: *Shakes head*

Translator: *Laughs* No

Translator and Max speak language

TAMMY: But does he- Just get him to talk about what things are really hard for him to do. Like things that he’d like to do like he said he get um lazy and that one broken. Ya know, moving around the community and things like he was saying before

Translator and Max speak language

Translator: A scooter to drive around so it’s easy

TAMMY: A scooter would help you to do things aye?

MAX: Yeah, go everywhere

Translator: Go everywhere like drive around the community he said

TAMMY: Visit shop?

MAX: Go to the rec hall

Translator: Go to the rec hall

TAMMY: The rec hall, yeah

MAX: Go there

Translator: Go the aged care, yep

MAX: My family’s place

Translator: My family’s place as well

Translator speaking language

MAX: Yeah go football watch him

Translator: Go to the football oval and watch the young fellas

MAX: Yeah

TAMMY: Good. What other things do you need help with?

Translator speak language

MAX: Inaudible lift up beds

Translator: One of those lift up beds inaudible

MAX: Yeah inaudible


Translator: So you want something like that speaks language

MAX: Yeah. Plug in the power and inaudible watching tv yeah inaudible

Translator: Yeah so he can move around and watch the tv


Translator: So he can move the bed around, like the pillow


MAX: Yep *Thumbs up*

Translator: That’s a good one

TAMMY: And what about to like lift you, get out of wheelchair?

MAX: Yeah

Translator speaks language

MAX: *Nodding*

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