How can they help?

NDIS can help pay for supports to make life easier.

Supports are things that help:

Family, Carers / Support Workers

  • I just need someone to help take me shopping… go out to visit friends…cook…
  • Can I get some cash to go out or buy things myself?

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Paid workers, therapists

  • My son has trouble speaking properly…
  • My father is having trouble getting to the toilet…
  • I would like to do more exercise to keep healthy…
  • I would like to be able to do painting…

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Getting around my home / doing everyday things

  • Tools or equipment that you can use to do things, like wheelchairs
  • I have trouble getting in the shower… cleaning my house…
  • I have trouble seeing the TV or hearing people talk….
  • I can’t walk properly since my accident…
  • Can NDIS buy me a swag… food… blankets…?
  • Can NDIS buy me a washing machine?

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Transport, travel

  • I can’t go anywhere because I don’t have a car… or a drivers licence…
  • Can NDIS buy me a car?

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Somewhere to Live

  • Changes to homes and the community, like rails, ramps
  • I want to get a place of my own… live independently (looking after myself)…
  • My house is not really good for me… I can’t get up the steps or in the bathroom…
  • My toilet is a long way from my house. I can’t go by myself…
  • My carer got sick and I have no-one to look after me…
  • I have been staying in this place a long time and I want to have a break (respite)

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Getting a job / learning new skills

  • I use to work at reception, but since my disability I need special equipment to use the computer…
  • I would like a computer to look at Facebook. Can NDIS help?

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Other services

  • My child has autism
  • I have trouble paying my rent…
  • My disability is different to other people…

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Supports can be anything that you really need and is reasonable (fair) to help with your disability.

You can ask your NDIS mob or a LAC if something you need is covered by NDIS. (Where is the NDIS in the NT?)

How do I get on the NDIS?