Boniface Jnr


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Boniface Jnr

A sistergirl from Tiwi Islands was involved in a car accident and now has trouble walking. She would like to work part-time to have an income and help with her therapy. She also likes the idea of having access to a professional counsellor.


Boniface Jnr: Hi my name is Boniface Junior Alimankinni and I come from Tiwi Islands, Nguiu community, Wurrumiyanga, and my traditional homeland is [inaudible name in language], where big lake on this island. And I love, ya know, support from friends and family, all ya know come and visit.

Boniface Jnr: Yeah I had accident, car accident in Darwin five years ago, in 2012. It changes my life if I do walk, I do get short of wind, short of breath, so this little four wheeler helps me to get around, and I'm still um, I’m happy at home.

Boniface Jnr: My struggles are, I am having some money, my card, irregular, irregular thing.

Boniface Jnr: I miss um my um reception due to, in the morning when I use to work at the council office, I use to work there and before that I worked at Money Business.

Tammy: So you are not working?

Boniface Jnr: Not working but lookin’, looking for a part time, ya know, just to be focus on my move and it could be my therapy by moving cause I’m you know, habit of typing.

Boniface Jnr: It's good to talk to a counsellor, if you, ya know have a problem speak to a professional counsellor so you can get more help, resources.

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